Zechariah 7:9

Administer true justice, show mercy and compassion to one another.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The sun is shining...well...it was for a while, anyway!!!

The sun was shining TODAY! When we got to Velikoretskoye we took an unusual opportunity to bask in the sunlight by the river at Velikoretskoye. It is one of the most beautiful areas along the river where the Russian Orthodox icon of St. Nicholas was found. There is a pilgrimage to the river from Kirov every June to celebrate the icon. There is a holy spring and many small churches along the river too. 

Olya, our Hopechest representative, was very excited for us to see the river area because of all the history of the icon. She also shared that Velikoretskoye is one of the only places in Russia that has 3 churches right next to each other.

Activity rotation was a bit more challenging today. The older kids were not really wanting to dance, but that team adapted well by using more games and learning some Russian games too. 

The dynamic is a lot different this year in terms of not meeting with the kids in the orphanage, but in the beautiful new school. Also, the kids are a year older so we have some older kids that are trying to act 'cool,' which gives some of us challenges as well.

:) is what Nick wanted me to post on the blog today. 

Tonight Melanie did a great devotion making us go around the room and say what word would describe our time with the kids so far...humbled, fulfilled, hopeful, connection, hunger, joy/pain, touch, helpless...were all thrown out by the team. The kids have already made their mark on our hearts in only 2 days.

Today during our family group time, the kids were really focused on drawing posters for their American friends. Stephanie was sitting with her family group when Sergei turned around randomly and said, 'Do you know if Bunny Douglas is well?' He was so concerned and serious she had to choke back a laugh, then explained that Bunny was well. Then he said, 'Did you bring me a letter from Bunny?' Stephanie gave him a teasing look and said, 'Maybe...' To which Sergei's face immediately became so joyful and excited...as if he was receiving the best gift of the year! It wasn't important to him if he was getting a gift, it was a treasure to know he was getting a piece of paper with words from an American friend halfway across the world. For the sponsors who are reading this...do not ever discredit your influence on these kids' lives. They crave every word you say! You are doing the work of Christ in these kids even though it doesn't always feel like it when we live in Missouri. We will be handing out the sponsor gifts tomorrow or Monday, and are very excited to see the kids' reaction to their letters and gifts from their American friends!

Pray for us Sunday...we are taking some of the kids to the circus :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the great updates as we are eager for news! Any pictures yet? Have fun at the circus! Praying that all will feel God's love during your time there . . . and long after.
