Zechariah 7:9

Administer true justice, show mercy and compassion to one another.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Hugs Are Getting Tighter

Today was our last full day with the kids and none of us can believe the end is coming so soon. We've connected so much with these kids (and our translators) that it hardly seems  possible it's all happened in just a few short days.

This morning, it had snowed even more, making our drive to the orphanage that much more beautiful. Blankets of white glittered on every tree branch, and the ground was mostly covered by another 1/2 an inch or so. The new snow made for a fun afternoon outside for Gina, Steph and Mel. They were pelted by snow from every angle, and even ganged up on by a group of ornery boys, but they relished every minute of it.

In family groups this morning, we spent most of the time playing games, making bracelets and laughing with the kids. Our very favorite time with them is when we're just hanging out like that. It's amazing how much can cross language barriers when you're having fun.  

After lunch we met in rotation groups. Steph and Gina told the story of Jesus calming the sea. The kids had a lot of fun making it "storm" on their friends with crumpled newspaper while their friends tried to frantically bail out the "water."

In activity, Shawn and Lindsay set up a photo backdrop for the kids and took tons of goofy photos. They had fun putting on fake mustaches and posing with inflatable animals.

In craft, Mel and Kathy made wooden boats with the kids. Most of them were really proud of the boats and wanted to send them home to their American friends. It only took three days, but the kids finally finished their whale pillows! Some of them were so intent on finishing that they wanted to skip their lesson time.

Shawn spent some time bonding with the older boys this afternoon with a game of volleyball in the gym. We could tell the boys were so happy to have a man to play and goof around with.

We're trying to pretend that tomorrow isn't our last day. It's heartbreaking to think about, and even more heartbreaking to go through. Please be praying for the team as we leave the kids behind.

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